Seizures in Rottweilers and large breed dogs.  

Two simple causes for seizures in Rottweiler dogs or similar, (large breed).

Poison Hemlock plant and or flea and tick products like Frontline Plus or any Generic with the combination of Fipronil and Methoprene

 can be a cause for seizures.

We have been using flea and tick products like Frontline Plus or the Generic line for many yeas, actually 9 years without any seizure.

But after 9 years my Rottweiler and I discovered the cause for seizure the hard way. After my dog had the first seizure, I asked few veterinarians but no one mentioned Poison Hemlock or flea and tick products like Frontline Plus or any Generic product. Instead, they offered many test and Epilepsy medication which does not always help, and if you start, you can't stop the medication. Only one veterinarian gave me good advice which was to keep monitor and document everything. We also searched the internet with Google of course, but Poison Hemlock, Fipronil or Methoprene never came up, unless you specific search for Poison Hemlock or Fipronil Methopreneand seizures in dogs. A nonspecific searches all lead us to treatment with medication or CBD oil advertisement from Goggle or conclude with Epilepsy in dogs.  After all, they all want to sell us something, either CBD or tick and flea medication. And if the dog dies, what difference does it make! you can get another one and buy more stuff. (Maybe this will change some day).

From my experience in this case I should say that CBD in a THC free option can help but with some bad side effects. I will add more information later on. 

Rottweiler dog having seizure is not always epilepsy or other serious problems, rather it could be a simple problem as ingesting Poison Hemlock plant or using Pesticide like Fipronil  or Methoprene.

In hindsight, when I know all this, I can also say that years before the first seizure my Rottweiler had some head twitches at some times which I could not relate them to anything 

More information on Poison Hemlock below. 


Flea and tick products with Fipronil and Methoprene 

Fipronil is a neurotoxin which means it causes damage to the nervous system and thus kills fleas, ticks, lice etc. However it is also considered toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates, bees, and certain bird species. . 

Fipronil and seizure - https://caninenaturalcures.co.uk/blogs/news/fipronil-are-you-happy-to-use-it-on-your-pet

One more case of dog seizure Fipronil and or Methoprene

Source: CBS WINK Southwest Florida

There are many products under different names which contains Fipronil and or Methoprene. 

some are:

Petarmor plus for dogs

Frontline Plus

Frontline Tritak

Solimo - Amazon Brand (Generic Frontline Plus) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NYSPGZP

Generic Frontline Plus

Jmxu's flea on Amazone



PDF format of other case




Poison Hemlock

Poison Hemlock is a great cause for seizures in dogs too, and can easily lead to death.

In 399 BC, the Greek philosopher Socrates was killed with Poison Hemlock.

Poison Hemlock is very toxic to Dogs, other animals and humans too.  In large bread dogs like Rottweiler, it is especially dangerous because they like to graze and have a larger bite which allows the Poison Hemlock get chew-on unintentionally.

It very difficult to make the link between the Poison Hemlock and the seizure with only one dog.   

It is a big problem when the Poison Hemlock grows mix between the green grass which many dogs like to chew on as you will see in pictures below.


Poison Hemlock in California during the spring and beginning of summer





Poison Hemlock in the back yard. California during the spring and beginning of summer.





If you want to see what kind a seizure I am talking about you can go to this page.  seizures



(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conium_maculatum

(2) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19240286/

(3) USDA.gov

(4) https://wiki.bugwood.org/Conium_maculatum

(5) https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2020/06/pesticide-incident-prompts-dog-owner-warning-about-flea-and-tick-chemicals/

(5) My own personal experience with my dog.


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